In 2015, 193 countries adopted a new agenda, which includes 17 goals for sustainable development. Actions and policies have to be taken not just by governments, but also businesses, civil society and ordinary people to allow the achievement of these goals by 2030. This challenge involves every one of us, and it should be noted that no action is too small to make a difference for a better future. This is the ambitious project of the United Nations, for all people and the planet. What does sustainable development mean? It is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Efforts have to be made towards building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet. The United Nations highlight that to achieve this sustainable development three core elements need to be harmonized: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection, all essential for our well-being.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address the global challenges the planet is currently facing. These 17 SDGs are all interlinked, and, aiming at leaving no one behind, it is important that they are all achieved by 2030. The SDGs are. 1: No Poverty; 2. Zero Hunger; 3. Good Health and Well-being; 4. Quality Education; 5. Gender Equality; 6. Clean Water and Sanitation; 7. Affordable and Clean Energy; 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth; 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; 9. Reducing Inequality; 10. Sustainable Cities and Communities; 11. Responsible Consumption and Production; 12. Climate Action; 13. Life Below Water; 14. 15. Life On Land; 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; 17. Partnerships for the Goals.

An important aspect that OZOLEA supports with great sensitivity is the impact of the sustainable development, as addressed by SDGs, in tackling climate change. Climate change is already having effects on public health, food and water security, migration, as well as peace and security. If we leave climate change unchecked, it will thwart the improvements we have made until now, making further improvements impossible.

The SSafeMILK project, meaning Towards a Safe, Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Milk Supply Chain, is the manifesto of OZOLEA’s innate sustainable approach and is also its operating arm. The primary sector plays a key role in the world economy, due to deeply transversal aspects including social problems, food safety and security, as well as the environmental balance of the impact caused by humans on earth. Aware of how fundamental agriculture is for future generations but also for sustainable development, OZOLEA configured the SSafeMILK project, based on OZOLEA products and protocols, giving it the right sustainable footprint from a social, environmental, economic, production and food safety point of view. This is why this global standard for the dairy supply chain is perfectly aligned with 13 of the 17 SDGs.

The dairy sector has a new safe, sustainable and ecological farming model, ready to be adopted by dairy farms, dairy associations, dairy industries, retailers, and above all ready to be shared and communicated to consumers.

To find out more about how SSafeMILK meets the SDGs and which are these 13 SDGS mentioned above, visit our website